Our Family Testimonials

- From Wisconsin families in need -

“I want to thank…Energy Services for making it possible…for me to receive a new furnace, which I so badly needed…It’s like winning the lottery!”

“Thank you for…a brand new furnace this past Fall. What a tremendous blessing! And great timing, too — just as the weather turned real cold...I’m very thankful for these programs to help us out when we struggle to keep ahead of the bills.”

“I want to thank Energy Services for helping me get a new furnace. Howell Heating…did a super job. I am 53 years old, disabled…it would have been very hard for me to move, and I can’t get any loans because of being on Social Security and S.S.I. I really appreciate the help and hope that someday I can help out someone.”

“Thank you for helping me and my children this past winter. The furnace works great. I don’t know what I would have done without your help.”

“I received your letter today about depositing $250 in Power & Light Co. for me. My son was just in intensive care...the hospital bill was $4,000…So your kindness is such a boost. We have always been a hardworking family, but this illness was really unforeseen. Thank you again. I have never been behind on a bill. Now I’m way ahead.”
