ESI Blog
Veterans Hit Hard During COVID-19 Pandemic Supported With Online Resources
Many Wisconsin Veterans, many of which are suffering from service-related injuries, are struggling with changes due to pandemic and in need of services
While the COVID19 pandemic has impacted all of us, especially hit hard have been our Veterans. Many were already suffering from service-related injuries or being challenged with mental health issues and limited incomes.
During the fall season of 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic flared up across the United States with an increased wave of new cases and deaths throughout the civilian and Veteran communities.
Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund donors provide a critical survival safety net for those economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
High unemployment or being underemployed creates serious challenges for Wisconsinites trying to stay safely in their homes and keep their heat and power on
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted just about every part of our daily lives. Tens of thousands of businesses across the nation have closed their doors -- some permanently. Longtime traditions and celebrations have been canceled or postponed. Traveling out in public now comes with an added health risk, and proper precautions must be taken. Households have transformed into temporary work stations and classrooms.